Friday, January 30, 2009

Here Comes Reagan

Reagan has been crawling over a month now. She went from rocking back in forth to taking off. I'll always remember the morning she first started crawling. Matt and I were in her nursery. She had just woken up and was getting a diaper change when she turned over and took off. She has been all over the place ever since. She is keeping us on our toes and we are loving all the new adventures crawling brings. I'm not so sure the pups share our excitment. She is pulling their tails, tipping over their water bowls, and following them all over the house. Here is a video of her crawling debut.
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1 comment:

The Jacobs said...

I love your blog spot! Regan's pictures are so adorable! I am still learning how to use mine... ;( I love your wall paper!

~Amanda :)